Use the following steps to make sure you are ready for Commencement!

如有其他问题,请通过电子邮件与泰伯学院注册办公室联系, or by phone, at 620-947-3121 (ext. 1041). See the menu below to skip to a section of the checklist.

Tabor College graduates at Commencement 2023

Start Your Checklist
Commencement Program
Academic Honors
Attending Commencement
Pre-Ceremony Arrival
Walking Across the Stage
Other Information

Start Your Checklist

1. Purchase your regalia

  • Visit the JayShop in the Student Center (link JayShop & Student Center to campus map)

2. Invitations

3. Reserve your Commencement tickets

  • All undergraduate students will be required to reserve tickets for their friends and families to attend.
    • Tickets can only be reserved by graduates at beginning March 22, 2024.
    • Ticket reservations will close on April 22, 2024.
  • 如果预订,每个学生至少可以买到五张票.
    • More tickets may be available at a later date.
  • 如在截止日期前仍未预订,将只提供两张票.
  • 在莎莉·弗林特艺术中心的弗朗兹家族遗产大厅将有一个无票直播.

4. Special Accommodations

  • 毕业生需要通知莎莉·弗莱明艺术中心票房任何来访家庭成员的特殊住宿. This allows proper arrangements to be made on time. Please email to specify these requests. 

114th Commencement of Tabor College

Tabor College Commencement

Saturday, May 4, 2024
Richert Auditorium of the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts
400 S. Jefferson
Hillsboro, KS, 67063

Undergraduate ceremony: 10 a.m.
(No entry after 10:05 a.m.)
Graduate ceremony: 2 p.m.

How do I make sure my name is included in the program?

  • 学生必须在3月1日之前提交毕业申请意向, 2024, to be included in the Commencement Program.
  • 学生将需要与注册主任会面,以确保完成毕业所需的所有学时,并且必须通过所有课程,GPA为2.0 or higher.
    • If all courses have not been completed by graduation, 完成学业的安排必须与教务长和教务长办公室联系. 
  • 泰伯学院保留因纪律原因将学生从毕业典礼上除名的权利.  参加毕业典礼被定义为一种特权,而不是权利.
  • 该计划并不是正式确定参加典礼的毕业生名单. 在该计划中列出的学生是本学年学位的候选人.
  • 在大学的毕业典礼上,学生们的名字会出现在提供的毕业名片上.

Academic Honors

  • 学位授予在累积成绩和塔博尔学院平均成绩方面表现出色的本科生.
  • 根据学生毕业前一学期完成的工作,初步确定学位和大学荣誉候选人.  
  • Honors are calculated on a minimum of 56 hours in residence.

Summa Cum Laude: 3.85-4.0
Magna Cum Laude: 3.70-3.849
Cum Laude: 3.50-3.699

Tabor 2022 Commencement diplomas
Tabor 2022 Commencement diplomas

Guests Attending Commencement

我们已经为计划亲自出席的教职员工和客人汇编了有用的信息. You’re welcome to skip ahead to jump directly to a certain section.


Tabor College Commencement celebration
  • All undergraduate students will be required to reserve tickets for their friends and families to attend.
    • Tickets can only be reserved by graduates at Reservations will open on March 22, 2024.
    • Ticket reservations will close on April 22, 2024.
  • Five tickets will be made available to each student.
    • More tickets may be available at a later date.
  • 如在截止日期前仍未预订,将只提供两张票.
  • 在莎莉·弗林特艺术中心的弗朗兹家族遗产大厅将有一个无票直播.
  • No tickets are required for the Graduate & Online ceremony. Please join your graduate in support of their special day!

Pre-Ceremony Arrival


Tabor College Commencement
Tabor College Commencement
  • Check-in time for graduates is 9 a.m.
    • 毕业生应该到H楼主楼的小教堂报到.W. Lohrenz Administration Building.
  • 请穿着得体出席典礼,包括帽子、礼服和流苏.
  • Extra tassels will be available if you are missing yours.
  • 及时到达报到和排队将有助于确保您和其他毕业生的活动顺利进行.
    • 注:毕业典礼结束后,毕业生将继续参加毕业典礼.
  • The processional will begin promptly at 10 a.m.
  • If there is inclement weather, 本科生将入住莎莉·弗莱明艺术中心二楼215房间.  The procession from the Lohrenz will not take place; rather, the students will line up behind the faculty in the Regier Atrium.
  • 请不要携带个人贵重物品,因为没有办法确保它们的安全.  只带你打算在婚礼期间随身携带的物品.

Graduate & Online

  • Check-in time for graduates is 1:15 p.m.
    • 毕业生将入住莎莉·弗林特艺术中心二楼215房间.
  • 请穿着得体出席典礼,包括帽子、长袍和兜帽.
  • Program medals will be distributed upon arrival.
  • 注:毕业典礼结束后,毕业生将继续参加毕业典礼.
  • 您及时到达报到和排队将有助于确保您和其他毕业生的活动顺利进行. 
  • The ceremony will begin promptly at 2 p.m.
  • 请不要携带个人贵重物品,因为没有办法确保它们的安全.  只带你打算在婚礼期间随身携带的物品.



Tabor College regalia

Regalia for Bachelor Degree Candidates

  • 学士学位候选人应购买学士礼服,学士帽和流苏.
  • 你的流苏应该戴在学位帽的右边,直到所有毕业生都被认可后,教务长让你把流苏移到左边.

Regalia for Master Degree Candidates

  • Master degree candidates should purchase a master’s gown, mortarboard cap, master’s hood (by color), and tassel.
  • 你的流苏应该戴在你的学位帽的左边,因为你已经获得了学位. Your tassel will stay and not be moved. 
  • You will process with your hood draped over your arm.
    • 你要把它带上舞台你走过舞台的时候你的项目主管会给你戴上兜帽.

Walking Across the Stage


Tabor College masters
  • Once your name is called, 你走到舞台的另一边,老师会把绳子绑在你身上, if appropriate.
  • 然后校长会伸出手和你握手,给你颁发毕业证. 
  • Once you receive your diploma cover, continue exiting off side stage, 穿过大厅到照相区,你的正式毕业照片将在那里拍摄.  然后跟随向导回到礼堂门口,在适当的时候,您将被放回到座位上.  


  • Once your name is called, 你将走到舞台中央,在面对礼堂的讲台前停下来. 
  • You will be hooded by your program director and an assistant. 
  • 然后你将继续接受你的毕业证书,并与校长握手. 
  • Once you receive your diploma cover, continue exiting off side stage, 穿过大厅到照相区,你的正式毕业照片将在那里拍摄. 然后跟随向导回到礼堂门口,在适当的时候,您将被放回到座位上.  

Other Information


  • 文凭将准备领取或邮寄给学生,当所有的学术和经济要求得到满足,学位已被验证.
  • 请允许最多四周的最终成绩单反映学位授予.


  • 毕业生们走过舞台时将被专业拍照,在他们离开舞台接受毕业证书后也会被专业拍照. 
  • 所有图片将在毕业后一周内通过访问提供 Tabor College Flickr. 所有照片都可以免费下载打印.
  • 家属可以在隔离区后面的里歇特礼堂拍照.